What do you get when pagan new year and a major Christian holiday land on the same calendar day? A weird opportunity for pranks.
This year of our Lord 2018, we have been blessed cursed given the chance to knock out two holidays at once. April Fools’ Day is hardly a holiday. It’s grown into an obnoxious internet free-for-all, where brands and businesses try to prove they’re fellow kids with hijinks and tomfoolery that tries way too hard. Easter is fine, but it does have terrible candy.
But if you’re the sort of jerk who wants to antagonize people on the day meant to reaffirm their faith, then you’ll need some seriously good pranks. They need to feel the full force of whatever joke you’re going to pull on them.
So, here are a few Easter-related prank ideas to get you started and help you bum out your Christian friends on their special day.
The ol’ grape as chocolate egg gag
This has made the rounds on the internet for years, but it still stands as a solid joke. Plus, you get to eat all the chocolate before you make the treats worse.
Fill a hollow chocolate bunny up with mustard
Just like it says. You take a hollow bunny, make a discrete little hole in the bottom under the foil, and fill it up with mustard.
Dye an uncooked egg
When you’re dyeing all of your hard-boiled eggs, dye an uncooked one and put it among all the others. Woe to the person who wants to celebrate with a raw egg.