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A Woman’s Prized Collection of 163 Bedpans Failed to Sell at Auction

Newmarket pensioner with a unique collection of 160 bedpans is looking for a new home for them as she has run out of space to house them.

Mary Jacobs, 77, of Stretton Avenue, had hoped to find a buyer for them at an auction in Lincolnshire earlier this month but no bidders came forward and she had to bring them all home.

Mary said she started her collection back in 1984.

Mary Jacobs with some of the 160 bedpans she has collected over the past 25 years
Mary Jacobs with some of the 160 bedpans she has collected over the past 25 years

“I used to help out at the jumble sales in the Newmarket Salvation Army hall,” she said. “I saw a slipper bed pan come in and I bought it for 50p and that was the start, I just wanted to collect something different.

“It snowballed from there and I found myself going round so many places to add to my collection.

“I catalogue and label each bedpan so I know where I bought it from and how much it cost. Most people think they all look the same but in fact they are all different sizes, colors and shapes. They vary a lot,” she said.

A detail from one of the bedpans in Mary Jacobs's unique collection
A detail from one of the bedpans in Mary Jacobs’s unique collection

She does not have a favorite, although she admitted to having a fondness for one with a blue and white pattern, but she said the rarest ones were those with the oddest shapes.

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But Mary, who has paid up to £18 for her guzunders, has decided enough is enough.

“I had a cupboard built to store them in my front bedroom but I’m getting older and need to clear some space. I hope they go to a good home. They’re clean, washed and in fantastic condition,” she said.

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